Last night,
Unlike every other night
When men were fast asleep
I lay in bed awaken
Thinking, sighing and staring
I watched the clock, ticking
Heard its sound, clicking
A rat in the kitchen, running
All I wanted was a dream
But how...
With eyes and brain awaken
Would I get a chance to dream?
It was 12:18am last time I checked
Now the time is 5:34am, still counting
The road is coming back to live
I can tell...
Sound from car engines, zooming
Voices from the neighborhood, echoing
Yes, I know...
Some are still in bed, slumbering
I am in mine too, but still expecting
And endlessly waiting...
Thinking, sighing and staring at nothing
Wishing, that I can start dreaming
I'll be grateful for an hour or two
I just want a picture of my own dream
So I can rise like the morning sun
Full of life, vigor and strength
Empowered to live out my dreams
To turn imaginations to realities
Problems to possibilities.
Here in my bed, I'll stay unrelenting
Expecting, praying and waiting...
Until the Angel brings my portion
Either a dream, a vision or revelation.
Written & Authored by:
Ebenezer O. Akinrinade (CYFI Fellow)
|Social Worker | Poet | Editor | Social Media Strategist | Youth & Child Advocate
FB: Ebenezer OlaSunkanmi Akinrinade
Twitter: @gent2smile
Copyright © 2014.
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