Thursday, November 24, 2016
The America We Built by Linda Carroll
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
MEST Incubator Lagos: Investing in Tech Startups
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
REGISTER: Lagos Technological Festival
Saturday, July 23, 2016
10 Ways to Help A Child Survive Academic Failure
At the end of every academic session, immediately after the promotional examinations, it is common for schools to organize graduation party and award ceremony to recognize students achievements.
And, this is the season when some parents becomes very excited and eager to flaunt the achievements of their brilliant children. You'll find hundreds of pictures of these children almost everywhere from facebook profile picture to instagram, to WhatsApp, BBM, and so on. Parents wants to show off their kids receiving awards and tell the world how much they've made mum and dad proud. Infact, some parents will go to the extent of sharing the testimonies in Church.
However, we have another set of parents who won't have any picture to show nor a reason to celebrate their kids. Reason? Their children didn't win any award. The child didn’t receive any accolades or recognition simply because he/she is an average student or sadly one of the pupils who would have to repeat class.
[Photo credit: EAphotoMedia]
Interestingly, there are more parents in this category. If you happen to be in the first category, congratulations! Remember to celebrate with moderation and thank God for his mercies. Then, it is very important you partner with your child to improve his/her performance or at least maintain it. On the other hand, if your child didn’t win any award and/or is mandated to repeat a class, I have a couple of ideas to share:
1.] Be Objective.
Note that this is the result for a session and not for a life time. It's a one year dash in the race of life. It's not a life time assessment. So, don't take the issue too serious than you should.
2.] Observe and Analyze.
A Students’ report card is a report of several activities. Most report cards focuses on two major area of performance namely, academics and skills/character. Don't focus only on the academics. The section on character and others are equally important. Take time to read the teacher's comments and recommendations. If you child has a major achievement in other areas aside academics, don't hesitate to celebrate him/her.
3.] Listen To Your Child.
Talk with the child. Ask what he or she thinks about the result. Thereafter seek joint problem-solving opportunities to improve the result. Remember to compose yourself very well before the discussion. As you discuss with your child, remember to watch out for what’s said and what’s not said.
4.] Get Teacher's Feedback.
Talk with the class/subject teacher(s). Get his/her views on the issue. Know his/her perspective on the child’s performance. Seek counsel on what to do to improve your child's overall academic performance.
5.] Get Your Facts Right.
Even till now, there's no conclusive research evidence on the benefit of children repeating a class. Therefore, if your child was asked to repeat a class, investigate that decision and ask the right questions. Will the child improve if he repeats the class? What support does the school have to manage his emotions or ego if he has to repeat? What support can you give as a parent?
6.] Develop An Action Plan.
Study the report card and determine what corrective actions to take. Remember it’s not YOUR Plan so ensure the child is involved in the development of the plan. Don’t rush him/her to develop the plan. Take it gradually. The plan should answer the basic question: What you intend to do to improve? Please ensure YOU (the parent) aren't the one doing everything. The child has a critical role to play. Remember the plan will include, what he needs to stop doing, what he needs to start doing, what he needs to reduce and what he needs to increase. As a parent, have it at the back of your mind that you also have roles to perform. You may consider teaching the child yourself during the holiday, getting a lesson teacher or even changing the school (if need be).
7.] Don't Overreact.
Manage your emotional state. Don't compare the child with others. Don't make his poor academic performance the subject of abuse or feedback. If at all you have to, be very careful what benefits or privileges you deny him of. How you handle this is very important. It can end up being a motivating or demotivating factor for your child.
8.] Be Hopeful and Inspire Hope.
Understand that every child deserves a second chance, and your child is not an exception. As parents, you're not permitted to give up on your child. You must be hopeful for a better future and give the child hope as well.
9.] Get To Work.
A good plan is not good enough until you act on it and achieve results. Start implementing the plans you've drawn out without further delay. You don’t have to wait until the end of the holiday before putting your plans to work. Start now! Keep track of your progress at interval (i.e. daily, weekly or monthly depending on what suits you).
10. Be Patient.
Don't expect sudden change. Progress requires time and consistency. If the change you expect don't come in one or two weeks, please don't be discouraged. Be supportive, be patient and treat your child like a GEM. Though it may seem slow, be assured he will blossom and at his own time. Sooner or later, you'll be amazed by how much your child has improved.
Written by:
Prof. Yomi Fawehinmi
[NOTE: The content of the above article has been re-edited, given new title and subheadings by Ebenezer O. Akinrinade. The name of the original author however remains intact as well as the source].
Article Source:
Child World Connect
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Invest in your child's future by getting a copy of the book: "Success Equation": it's a self-help academic book for students who wants to transition from average performance to academic excellence.
To order for a copy or in bulk, please call Ebenezer on 2348027701092
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
A Nigerian YALI Fellow dies in the US
It seem so many great people are fallen in this month of June but it's breaks our heart even more that such a young man with a promising future had to bow out so early. Especially at a time when he could have done a lot for his dear country.
It was a black Saturday for many Nigerians as the news broke that John Paul Ojaojogwu Usman, one of the 100 Nigerians selected for year 2016 Mandela Washington Fellowship (also known as YALI) in US died on Saturday June 25th. John reportedly had an accident while hiking near the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Before his demise, he was at the school studying Civic Leadership.
As soon as the report of his death was confirmed, the U.S. Mission to Nigeria issued the following statement:
"The U.S. Mission to Nigeria and our colleagues in the United States were deeply saddened to learn of the death of John Paul Ojaojogwu Usman. On June 25, John Paul died due to an accident while hiking near Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, where he was studying civic leadership as a 2016 Mandela Washington Fellow.
We extend our deepest condolences to John Paul’s family and friends over this tragic loss. John Paul was a rising star, devoted to the causes of sustainable development, children’s rights, and peace building in Nigeria. His selection to the Mandela Washington Fellowship was a tribute to his drive, talent, and dedication to making his country’s civil society even stronger. One of John Paul’s professional mentors at Virginia Tech put it best, “While his time with us was short, he was well loved.” This young man will be remembered fondly as a great citizen ambassador of his country. We mourn his passing."
John will be greatly missed but his impact and legacy surely lives on. May his good soul rest in peace!
Monday, March 14, 2016
An UNFORGETTABLE Experience In An American PRISON (by Seun Akisanmi)
It was sometime in the latter days of July 2001. I can't seem to remember the exact day. I had been incarcerated since June 12 (2001) for committing a felony that attracted a prison sentence of up to 5 years. I had defrauded some clients to the sum of about $2000. They ordered some electronic gadgets from my eBay online store, sent money to my Bank of Edwardsville account, and I failed to deliver the goods. That transaction occurred in October 2000 and I was paying for it in my 3rd prison transfer in late July 2001.
We were having an informal Bible study session in which I was the unofficial "leader". We were on lockdown and could only talk to each other through the small opening (used to pass food to us) in each cell door. Apparently my little knowledge of Bible affairs made me a contact point for all Bible-related questions in my ward. And answering questions I did. Besides, I seemed to have all the time in the world and was seemingly not going anywhere soon.
It was Ben's turn to ask. And ask he did. Ben was someone who had been sentenced to about 5 years for trafficking drugs. He narrated how he once had a scaringly-close relationship with the one we called GOD. He narrated how he had been (& was currently) like the biblical Jonah on the run away from his assignment. His experience would eventually send chills down my spine in a way I would NEVER forget.
About a year earlier, he had lost his 3 year-old daughter to a terrible illness. He considered himself to be a close follower of Christ and eventually went on a prayer retreat to question God on why his only beloved daughter had to die. He eventually got a response that left him emotionally broken. He shared with us God's answer to his prayer: "Now you know how it felt when my ONLY SON died." He was broken. He was in tears. And out of anger, he decided it wasn't in his best interest to follow such a God that will allow a child to die just to get a message across. But he indeed got the message.
To say that I was touched would be the understatement of the century. I was cut to the heart. His narration had been an answer to one of the inmates' question. The other inmate, Donald, had asked me a question that I never in my life thought anyone would dare ask: "What does the words of John 3 verse 16 mean? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting LIFE. Seun, what does that mean?"
Ben's interjection during my explanation was an attempt to shed more light on answering the question. I explained to Donald the gospel in what seemed like a few minutes: God created man for fellowship, man erred by disobeying some basic instructions, God punished man for his disobedience and banished him from His presence, man became miserable, lost & unfulfilled without God's presence, God felt sorry for man, God sent His Son to die as a way of redeeming man back to Him, Jesus came & died, and now man once again has the opportunity to choose LIFE by accepting the deal that was settled on the cross some two thousand years ago.
I explained to Donald that I was in prison not because I didn't know Christ as my saviour. Far from it. I was in prison because I was a follower of Christ but I backslide as a result of the cares of this world. Subsequently that led me to being a hypocrite of the Gospel that saved me. I started living a life of lies, pornography & deceit.
Getting to prison was as a result of a prayer I made out of frustration: GOD MESS ME UP. I was tired of it all. God eventually did mess me up by sending me to that one place that will ensure that I wasn't preoccupied with much to do: PRISON. Funny enough, the most interesting experiences I had in my 59 months in America was the 6 months I spent in 4 prisons. And I'm eternally grateful to God for the lessons I learnt. For it was there that I re-dedicated my life again to the Lord. For it was there that I began my writing career. For it was there that I realized that I had within reach an ultimate resource & friend for whatever I needed in life. For it was there I realized that all things indeed work together for the good of them that love and seek God wholeheartedly.
You might be presently in a prison-scenario which you feel you don't deserve. The state of your heart might be in disarray. You might even be in a relationship with confusion, lies, lack & frustration. You might have even been an ex-Christian. One thing I've come to realize is this: if the God of Jesus Christ is with you, all will be well. I'm not guaranteeing that things will transform like magic in an instant but at least you'll have peace & fulfillment in your heart. And that is a great starting point for new beginnings.
I subsequently invite you to make the same decision I did years ago believing that today marks the beginning of a new & impactfull YOU. If you would like to give or re-dedicate your life to Christ, please pray this prayer from your heart: Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, that Jesus Christ died for me, that you raised Him from the dead, please forgive me. I accept Jesus today as my Lord & saviour. Amen.
Feel free to send me a message if you prayed this prayer wholeheartedly and let's help each other grow in the knowledge & ways of our Lord.
Written by:
Seun Akisanmi
Tel: +2348120129149 (WhatsApp)
FB: Seun Akisanmi
Twitter: @SeunAkisanmi
Thursday, March 3, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: Lanre Sings Reveal Plans To Takeover The Music Industry
1.) Tell us a bit about yourself?
Lanre Sings: I am Olanrewaju Akintayo, songwriter, multi-skilled intrumentalist, graphics designer, and graduate student of Computer Engineering from Gateway Poly, Ogun State.
2.) How did you discover your musical talent? I
Was it in-born or a skill you picked up along the way?
Lanre Sings: Hmm, I started music when I was 15, and really, I didn't quite have much interest in music as a kid...but something happened. As a teenager, I was always down with sickness, so on this particular occasion while I was on the sick-bed at the hospital, my mum was so weighed down about my failing health condition and was no longer sure if all will be well. Then she singing very powerful worship songs non-stop for more than 1hour. By the time she'll be rounding up, I could feel a strange, but powerful, sensation in my body. It was as if my body had just been recharged with strength from nowhere. I knew it was a GOD who restored my health through the power of songs. After I was discharged from the hospital, I became very eager to join the church choir. Funny enough, I didn't have a good voice but little by little I started working on myself, and here I am today still working to be my very best.
3.) At what time did you decided to go into music professionally?
Lanre Sings: Professionally, I would say I started in 2015 even though as I said earlier, I have been singing way before then.
4.) What genre does your music fit into?
Lanre Sings: For me, my genre of music is "classic and inspirational"
5.) Your first hit soundtrack, titled "Adejobi" received over 10,000+ downloads in just few hours of release, how does that make you feel?
Lanre Sing: I felt so honoured because...I wasn't expecting such a "wow comments" I got from everyone who listened to the track, why because? Before I recorded the song, alot of people advised that I should do a danceable song, if not, my songs won't sell in Nigeria. With the rate of acceptance via the massive downloads, I think I have reasons to be happy I took my stand. Am keen on making good music and I know it will sell in Nigeria.
Adejobi Soundtrack Cover Design
6.) Considering the massive competition in the mainstream, how ready are you to make your entrance into the music industry a lasting one?
Lanre Sings: Yes, while writing my songs, I try to do something different each time, and that's why I play different instruments so my songs wouldn't sound alike.
7.) Do you write your own lyrics or you have someone you work with?
Lanre Sings: My plan is to keep doing music that aren't the usual everyday sound...songs that can be used to advice like olden days. You know those days when parents would say refer to a line of song while trying to teach or admonish their child on something. I want my songs to uplift the downhearted and give direction to the confused.
8.) What is the inspiration behind the song, "Adejobi"?
Lanre Sings: I write my own lyrics. Some of the lyrics I have written were inspired by wonderful friends like Jola Mogaji, Gbenga Showumi and my band members (The Psalmist Family).
Lanre-Sings at the SGC Ikorodu
Photo credit:EAphotoMedia
9.) What are your plans for the future? Should Nigerians anticipate for more hit tracks or an album?
Lanre Sings: Nigeria should be expecting my album,its going to be a global project. Hoping to drop my album end of the year by the Grace of God.
10.) Are you currently working on any collaborative project?
Lanre Sings: Yes, for the album, I have plans to feature selected artistes and musical groups from across Africa.
A few of the people I have in mind to work with are Onos Ariyo --she's been very supportive all the way, Nathaniel bassey, Simi to mention a few. Although this ought to be "off the radar" but I guess it's okay to let you in on my intending plans to do a remix of Adejobi with either the Soweto Choir or Joyous Celebration Choir. All hands are on deck to establish contact with the mass choirs.
11.) Your advice to upcoming artistes?
Lanre Sings: You are a product of what you listen to, therefore it pays to listen to good music as it will help to stand out from the crowd, and most importantly, sound different from every other artistes in the industry.
12.) Where can your fans download your latest track "Adejobi"?
Lanre Sings: It is available for download at ADEJOBI ( and at ADEJOBI (
Fans can connect with me directly on social media platforms:
Facebook - Akintayo Olanrewaju Timothy
Twitter - @Lanre_Akintayo
Instagram: Lanre_sings
For bookings, call 08178348370, 08026406671 or send email to:,
Interview by:
Ebenezer O. Akinrinade
[Photographer |Writer |Social Worker]
Call/SMS: 07035051509
WhatsApp: +2348027701092
Twitter: @gent2smile | @EbenAkinrinade
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
The woman is a mixture of soft and hard
Made from bone; to be treated as foam
Hard enough to handle difficult situations
Soft enough to soothe and heal any broken entity
A bundle of surprises she is
Can easily multitask
A brain as good as a man’s
But doesn’t necessarily need to be used as a man’s
‘cause she has the support of her heart I believe so much in the power of a woman’s mind
The ability to work with both head and heart
Seeing and sensing what some can’t even imagine
Imaginations, ideas, creativity; are a common place for her Her strength is boundless
Her love is timeless
Her scope is limitless
Can achieve more with less stress The perfect prescription for a man to have success
Any real man wouldn’t watch his woman lie idle
‘cause real men know that every woman is an army
A bundle of nerves and ideas and thoughts and know hows
Reaching depths that are strange to the lay man Tap tap dear woman
Wake up to the needy cry of the world
That’s out there and around you, waiting for your touch
Hoping and praying that maybe today
You’ll respond to her cry of dismay You have all you need within you
Your head, your heart and your God
Enough motivation to play the golf
That will reach out to different ends of the world
Starting with the world headquarter called your mind Stand up, build up and charge up
There’s more to you than make up
You’re not just a woman
You’re a bundle of all the world needs
To make it a better place
I’m glad to be a woman!
Written by:
Patricia Emeza (TRISHA)
Blogger, YOU CAN
Monday, February 29, 2016
Between The Movement And The Monument - by Johnson Abbaly

I didnt do anything wrong...
I just...continued, as always...
I woke up to realise phones not ringing,
No new shows,
No cheques in the mail.
Almost as though I ceased to be...
Old clients...aint returning,
New ones...aint coming.
Then it dawned...
My yesterday's advantage...
Has been depleted by today's trend...
And I had failed to evolve.
People are attracted to the movement,
Not the monument!
Written by:
Johnson Abbaly
[Author| Leadership Expert| Consultant]
Follow @JohnsonAbbaly on Twitter
Thursday, February 25, 2016
17 Young Nigerians to be Honored by U.S. Consulate General
Consul General John Bray of the U.S. Consulate General Lagos will on Wednesday of March 2nd 2016, honor at least 17 young Nigerians who have in the last one year shown dedication and unequal committment towards advancing the livelihood of people in selected communities across the Lagos metropolis and Port-Harcourt.
These outstanding youths were about a year ago, admitted as Fellows into the Carrington Youth Fellowship Initiative (CYFI); an initiative of the U.S. Consulate General Lagos launched in 2011 to promote the legacies of the iconic civil liberty champion, Ambassador Walter C. Carrington (Former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria). On a yearly basis, selected Fellows (known as CYFI Fellows) receives financial grants, mentorship and networking opportunities to aid them in successfully initiating and implementing a result-oriented project in a community of their choice. Most of the projects are centered around Civil Liberties, Economic Empowerment, Education and Health.
So, having successfully completed their one year CYFI projects, the following set of CYFI Fellows will be awarded with certificates among other prizes:
Hope Ogbologugo, Kasope Akinkuowo, Adeniyi Olayemi, Omozino Eguh, Laolu Alabi, Quam Akanni, Nwosu Chinedum, Nissi Madu, Adeniyi Oluokun, Bassey Rachael, Kayode Awokoya, Moshood Abdullateef, Olufunke Olasode, Pamela Akinboboye, Chibuike B. Emmanuel, Lewis-Wikina Sira, Victor Okechukwu
You can checkout the profiles of individual Fellows at CYFI Fellows 2015
The award ceremony will be held in grand style at the official residence of the U.S. Consul General with rank and file guests from all works of life confirmed to grace the occasion.
Attendance to the prestigeous CYFI Awards and Graduation Ceremony night is strictly by invitation. Fortunately for me, I have my invite already, yay! Hope to see you there.
Written by:
Ebenezer O. Akinrinade -- CYFI Fellow 2012
[Photographer| Writer| Social Worker]
Tweet me @gent2smile OR @EbenAkinrinade
Will Ayodele's Story Trend The World Like Jumoke?
So many congratulatory messages has been going around the social media space in celebration of our newly discovered genius Ayodele for his academic achievement. More so, few questions have also being raised by concerned individuals on social media if it would ever be possible for Ayodele to have his story featured on CNN or at least trend across the world like that of Jumoke Orisaguna, the bread seller who turned a super model after being discovered by Ty Bello during a street photoshoot?
Because, unlike those in the entertainment industry who from time to time get endorsement deals, media attention and all the paparazzi, it seem Nigeria hardly recognizes or celebrates her own geniuses in the academic settings which of course is one of the reasons why an average kid would rather look up to Olamide YBNL as a role model than aspire to be like Professor Wole Soyinka. I so strongly believe that Ayodele's story will set a new standard for the average Nigerian child and youth, if the same banks, corporate brands and media giants who lavished attention and sponsorship on Olajumoke Orisaguna would extend equal generousity towards Ayodele by pushing him into the limelight so that many uninspired students can take a cue from him and ultimately aspire to be like him--breaking new records.
Doing this is very vital especially in a country like Nigeria where there are reportedly over 10million out-of-school children. Projecting Ayodele's story to all and sundry will help build up the much needed motivation amongst young people.
As an advocate of the Sustainable Development Goal 4, I am using this platform to join my voice in sync with millions of other vital voices to make a clarion call to the Nigerian government, corporate bodies, media houses, international organizations and civil societies to scale up the investment (and efforts) in bringing illiteracy down to zero level in Nigeria.
Many fingers are crossed to observe carefully what the coming days holds for the genius, Daniel Ayodele Dada. As someone said, "Will Nigeria raise more hawkers than scholars?"
I 'hopefully hope' that the question gets the right response.
Written by:
Ebenezer O. Akinrinade
[Photographer| Writer| Social Worker]
Tweet me @gent2smile OR @EbenAkinrinade
Friday, February 19, 2016
Innovation: The World’s Cheapest Smartphone
Here's what the phone looks like:
Written by:
Ebenezer O. Akinrinade
Tweet me @gent2smile | @EbenAkinrinade
Call/WhatsApp +2348027701092
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Perhaps you may have read several hundreds and thousands of love letters in your lifetime but you'll agree with me that there's one which seems most beautiful and perfect. Such is the feeling I have for this letter since the day I read it on facebook.
If I were to give the letter a title, it'd be "Dear Sister Gloria" and you may be wondering what a boring and uninteresting title, yeah you are right. One thing I've learnt is that beautiful things usually come in unexpected packages, so when next you see a book or article with a boring title, I beg of you to read it first before you pass your judgment.
Okay, enough talking. Here goes the love letter as written by the veteran actor and evangelist, Mike Bamiloye on the occassion of his wife's 52nd Birthday on February 4th 2016.
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I write to Celebrate my Dear "Sister Gloria" today. She is very humble...She listen to me! She is very wise....I listen to her! She is too Open....I caution her a lot! I am too practical...and too cautious.... She cautions me a lot...! I am too Telescopic and...could be too active...and step on many toes at time. But she is very Microscopic and...meticulous... So she cautions me.... She is very Prayerful and Consumes a lot of The Words... She keeps me running a lot of Pray and to read the Word too!
She did more in bringing up our children in the Word of God... She is the Bible Teacher in our home....! She is very caring and loving. So caring to all our Office Staff and responsible for caring for them all these years...
The day I went to propose to her, I never beat about the bush or rehearsed any Love persuasive Poem. I never said anything like, "the Lord sent me" or " I felt the Lord is leading me..." Or " I dreamed and saw..." Or "I heard a voice from Heaven that..." I had said some of those things before to some sisters whom I thought the Lord was leading me to, and I was wrong.
This time around, I went to this new sister, after my usual "Much Prayers and Waiting". I was not even sure if the Lord was leading me or not again....My computers have been crashed and the memory virused by the previous disappointments I had met from the sisters I had thought were the will of God. So I had arrived the campus and the brethren were happy to see me. I usually came at evening time, for Drama rehearsals or if there were drama outreaches, I would come to go with them or lead them to the programs. But this time, I came during the day, at lecture time and many of the brethren were coming to me to know why or what information I had brought for the Fellowship Drama Unit members. I simply said I came to see "Sister Shola". And that was unusual of me. I don't come asking for sisters in the fellowship. I had no business with sisters, but with Fellowship heads and with Drama Unit Co-Ordinator in particular or with the Fellowship President.
So, some brethren spread out to look for "Sister Shola". And one sister found her in the school Library and grabbed her hand: "Bro. Mike is around. He is looking for you." Prior to that time, I had no business with Sister Shola, we were not close. We had only acted together on stage presentations before. She was not among the sisters who were closer to me at Fellowship. She carried her books and both sisters were rushing down to see " Bro. Mike" who had come to the campus at unusual time. The sister brought her and left. Sister Shola stood before me smiling, and waiting for the instructions, probably to the Drama Unit, or information of her being cast into a new Drama Unit presentation. I greeted her. She replied with a smile. I told her bluntly, that the Holy Spirit had not sent me, neither did I see any vision. Then, I asked her: WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
She stood before me speechless for some minutes, looking at me with some astonishment and confusion. She was never never expecting to hear such question from "Bro. Mike" of all people! She was lost for words, because it was the last thing she would expect to hear from me. I got my answer after one month of waiting. It was on a Sunday Morning. I had travelled to ILESHA and decided to worship in her church. I was in the congregation while I watch her standing tall and slender above the rest choir as they sang the special song for the morning. I never knew she saw me too. I had been praying for the whole month that the Lord would confirm this one this time. I could not imagine how I would feel if the Lord said this one was not the will of God again. After the church service, I went to wait for her at the front of her house. I just wanted to greet her again and look at her again, and maybe the Lord would answer my prayers this time.
She came not so long and ushered me into the house quietly. She was quiet. She was not showing any excitement, which got me more worried again. I sat down on a chair while she was writing something on the table. Then, she finished writing, and she turned to me with a small piece of paper containing ONE SINGLE LINE OF SENTENCE: "I WILL MARRY YOU" Silence. Grave Silence came down in the room.
At last. That was the first time in my life, a lady would agree to marry me. All the once I thought were the will of God for me had, unfortunately, been engaged before I got there. Oh! The Dilemma of a Single Searching Brother! And one of the Sisters even kept me waiting for three years, without giving me a "Yes" or a "No". Until I was delivered from the shackles. At last...! Right there I knelt down in Prayers and she knelt down in my front with her eyes closed. There, I told the Lord, as I held her hands in prayer, that, "Today, Lord, our Ministry have started. Today, Lord, we shall serve you together with all our life and with all our heart." We prayed further for His help and Mercy upon us. That was the day and time, our ministry, Mount Zion began. That was Sunday 4th, August 1985. And She was 21 Years Old then, while I was 25! Is it not evident that the Lord actually led me?
NOW TODAY, THIS GIRL IS 52! Very Dependable woman! Strong and Visionary! Caring and Loving! Woman of Faith and Vision! Submissive and Humble! I am not flattering...! I HAVE POSSESSED MY POSSESSIONS IN HER! Happy Birthday!!! Sister Gloria!
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Isn't it lovely? The perfect question for you and I to ponder on now is: "What will my love story be like after a few years down the line?" I can only hope and pray that it turns out to be as beautiful or even more beautiful than that of Bro Mike and Gloria.
Thanks for taking out time to read, learn and hopefully working at living an inspiring love life.
Written by:
Ebenezer O. Akinrinade
[Photographer |Writer|Social Worker]
WhatsApp: +2348027701092
Tweet @gent2smile | @EbenAkinrinade
TIPS: How to Revive Your Friendships
Sort out your 'sappers' from your 'growers' and make time for the people who matter most.
As life gets ever busier, it's easy to neglect our best friends, and then feel bad about it, while we allow other friends to dominate our time and sap our energy.
But we can learn to balance our friendships, says life coach Michael Heppell , author of "How To Have A Brilliant Life" (Pearson Life, £9.99).
1. Identify the 'sappers'.
They're the friends who take more than they give, and leave you feeling worse, not better, about yourself. Make an effort to spend 50 per cent less time with them.
2. Upgrade the 'growers'.
Go out of your way to engage with the friends who make you feel great. Remember, you become like the people you spend most of your time with.
3. Act, don't talk.
Every time you say 'we must catch up' put a date in the diary there and then - even if it's a month or two away - otherwise don't say it.
4. Go back to basics.
If you can't spare an entire evening at the theatre, for example, find 45-minutes for a coffee or a drink, rather than reschedule.
Four Tips for How to Revive Your Friendships - Psychologies
Thursday, February 11, 2016
APPLY: The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2016
Entries are now open for The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2016; submissions can be made until 1st May 2016.
This year’s theme invites young people to think about whether or not it is possible to be living responsibly and tolerantly in an increasingly interconnected Commonwealth. Through the world’s oldest schools’ international writing competition, the Royal Commonwealth Society provides an opportunity for young people to share their stories and have their voices heard.
The overarching theme for 2016 is 'An Inclusive Commonwealth', which is also the 2016 Commonwealth Year theme, and a topical theme for today’s youth. Both Senior and Junior topics give young people the opportunity to think about aspects of the theme such as: the significance of community; the importance of diversity and difference; the question of belonging; the values of tolerance, respect and understanding; and the sense of shared responsibility that exists within the Commonwealth today. The topics are a chance to develop critical thinking and to express views in a creative manner.
** Born after 1st May 2002 (under 14 years)
1. Imagine inviting a stranger to your country. How would you welcome them?
2. My ideal community.
3. Are we really so different?
4. Tales of an ‘insider/outsider’.
** Born between 2nd May 1997 and 1st May 2002 (14-18 years)
1. Let them in.
2. How can you balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the crowd?
3. The wealth we have in common.
4. Is it possible to have an inclusive and tolerant society?
* The Competition is open to nationals or residents of all Commonwealth countries and territories.
* Entrants must select a Senior or Junior topic depending on their age on 1st May 2016.
* Only one essay per entrant is allowed.
* Entries must be written in English.
* The maximum word counts are 1500 words for Senior entries and 750 words for Junior entries. These word limits apply to all topics and all formats (essay, poem, letter, etc).
* Exceeding the word count will result in automatic disqualification.
Every year a number of students are disqualified because they are suspected of plagiarism. The final copy submitted for the competition MUST be the entrant’s own work, and cannot be unduly corrected or improved by another person. Essays can only be uploaded in either word doc. or pdf format.
Prizes have traditionally been awarded only to the first prize winners in the Senior and Junior categories and also vary year by year. This means RCS is not able to confirm what the prizes will be until after the winners are announced in September 2016. Past prizes have included certificates, resources for winner’s school, visits to Cambridge University, a trip to London and a week of activities, work experience at international organisations, and having your entry featured in worldwide media.
|More Information|
You can find more details about the contest at The 2016 Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition
Friday, January 22, 2016
REGISTER: YALI Learns with Fela Durotoye
This February, the first YALI Learns Event for 2016 will be kicking-off on a high note and as well unleash new generation of visionary leaders who will take Africa to her next level.
Brace up as the YALI Network Face2Face (Nigeria) will be hosting a one-of-a-kind event in the heart of Lagos--the commercial capital of Africa-- giving an open cheque opportunity to young leaders from across Nigeria (and Africa) to learn and interact with Africa’s Foremost Motivational Speaker, Nation Builder, and Management Consultant.
"Productivity Enhancement Series"
Fela Durotoye (FD)
February 20th, 2016
10:00am (prompt)
University of Lagos (UNILAG), Akoka, Yaba, Lagos-Nigeria
|Registration Fee|
FREE (only for registered participants)
|Registration Page|
Register here: YALI Learns Event with Fela Durotoye
Send email to: ""
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
This land Nigeria
Blessed with rich arts and culture
Her men are handsome, strong and industrious
Her women, beautiful and endowed with natures essence
They are the desire of king's all over the world.
This land Nigeria
Favored with great human potentials and natural resources
Yet, its people wallow in penury because of visionless leadership of some of our leaders.
This land Nigeria,
A land where the good people suffer and the bad ones enjoy good
A land where terrorism and corruption stagnates progress
A nation in dire need of peace and betterment.
This land Nigeria,
You can only get better
When your people practice absolute love and honesty
You will regain your glory when your citizens - leaders and led, renew their minds to love God and humanity.
This land Nigeria,
You are the envy of many nations of the world
Because you are loaded with goodies more than the milk and honey in canaanland.
This land Nigeria,
You are the giant of Africa
And must rise up and take your place in the league of nations.
This land Nigeria,
There's no land like you
I am proud to be your citizen
And I will always make you proud.
Written by:
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
[Poet | Author | Editor]
FB - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Tweet @ifeanyienocho
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BBM: 53443863
Ifeanyi is an illustrious Nigeria making a positive difference. His life's goal is to help individuals and organizations better their best. He is a leader at Hinovelty, published author of life-enriching books, pioneer and co-editor of "THE PHENOMENAL WOMAN ANTHOLOGY: Collection of Poems in Honour of Dr. Maya Angelou."
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
A certain young man decided to quit after working tirelessly and investing all he has into his business, only to realize that none of his efforts yielded the rapid growth he had so much anticipated for...with no hope left in him, he was determined to quit at life by committing suicide. While he had already concluded, he felt a need to atleast have one last talk with an old friend of his who happen to be a farmer.
After notifying his friend about his decisions, the farmer pleaded with him to have a rethink but the young man stood his ground and remained adamant that his mind had already being made up and nothing can change it. Still, the old farmer pleaded with him over and over again. So the young man, in an attempt to understand the basis for the farmer's plea asked the question, "Can you give me one good reason not to kill myself?"
The farmer quietly responded with a question, "Look around. What do you see?”, the already furious young man answered, "I see fern and bamboo seeds. But what has these got to do with my decisions to die now?"
The old farmer then sat himself down and said, let me tell you about a life lesson I learnt many years ago while trying to grow these seeds:
"When the fern and the bamboo seeds were planted, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.
In the third and fourth year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. I was already frustrated and at the edge of calling it quit.
Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth and my hope was rekindled. Although, compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just 6 months later the bamboo unimaginably rose to a height of over 100 feet tall. I would later discover that it had spent the five years I counted as a waste growing, deepening and strengthening its roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive."
At this point the young man had become very sober and having nothing to say. The farmer, looking his friend in the face, placed his hand on his shoulder and concluded:
"Young man, life does not give anyone a challenge they can not handle. Don't you know that all the time, resources, and skills you have invested have actually been helping you to grow roots and your decision to quit would mean that you'd never get the opportunity to see the little sprout that may grow to become a giant in little time? If I did not quit on the bamboo. Never quit on yourself."
Finally, the old farmer added, "the worst you can do to yourself is to compare your bamboo seeds to another man's fern seeds. We are all wired differently for peculiar purpose. Comparing yourself to others is like setting yourself up for failure, doom and frustration. The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern; yet, they both make the forest beautiful.
Your time will come. You will blossom and rise high! How fast you grow and how high you will rise will be determined by what kind of seed you have sown and how deeply rooted you can be. Perhaps you are like the bamboo, you have a chance of rising as high as you can be."
* * * * * * * * * *
The above story is centered around four major lessons:
[1.] The need to have an UNDERSTANDING of who you are, GOD's purpose for your life and as well as the seasons of your life.
[2] The essence of trusting totally through FAITH in GOD who has fashioned out your life's purpose to bring his plans to fulfillment.
[3] Not loosing HOPE in the promise made to you by GOD even in the face of trials, delays and unpalatable experiences.
[4] Knowing how, where and when to seek out for wise COUNSEL especially in a time of confusion and doubt as this may be your lifesaver, if not, you risk missing out of GOD's perfect plan for your life.
Modified & Rewritten by:
Ebenezer O. Akinrinade
[Photographer|Writer|Social Worker]
FB LIKE - EAphotoMedia
Call/WhatsApp: +2348027701092
Tweet @gent2smile | @EbenAkinrinade
Friday, January 15, 2016
I took a decision not to comment on what is happening in the country a year ago because commentators hardly change anything and I have kept to that stance. However I woke up with a big burden in my heart as I observed what my dear country is turning into.
I am not as bothered as the looters as I am about the same people whose collective resources has been stolen.
The rapist is a problem but when the raped starts to defend the rapist on the grounds of religion or cultural bias is the burden I have.
So there are three brothers, and the first born is called SHAME. Shame is a smart dude but has never trusted in his ability so right from his school days he would rather plagiarize even when he has the capacity to produce a better content. And that same attitude followed him to governance where he started stealing what he would never need.
Shame is when you are a leader and you are highly remunerated yet you choose to loot what would have made you a legend had it been properly deployed.
Shame is when you steal billions of dollars that is not yours while soldiers die preventable deaths in the hands of terrorists and their wives reduced to emergency widows.
Shame is when you begin to prophesy what God hasn't said simply because a sitting president is from your village. Infact shame is collecting money from politicians while you prophesy to them in the name of the Lord.
Shame is when a nation has got crude yet imports refined oil because there is no functional refinery while her leaders buy estates in other people's nation.
Shame is when a leader finds it difficult to say I am sorry when he has grossly misfired. Shame is when you steal from your boss and yet earn a salary from the same boss pretending that you love the organization.
But shame has got a big brother called shameless because while shame is being grilled in the hands of the law for stealing his nation dry his family members carry banner and placards to cry persecution even when shame never built a road or built an hospital or school for the same people.
Shameless is when you claim you are born again and preach against corruption yet endorse a thief and stand with him when it is clear he is a thief.
Shameless is when you are a bigger thief yet you are making mouth on social media all the while and defending the looters without realizing that the greatest enemies of our nation are united in looting and they never talk marginalization when they loot.
Shameless is when you come out to follow a man to hold a rally and get killed when the same man is not willing to lead the rally or put his children forward to be a part of the rally.
Shameless is when you belief the rhetorics of a so called freedom fighter without asking what he has done for you with his little resources.
Shameless is to seek to kill your president and accuse him of marginalization while your state governor receives allocation and travels all over the world or erect a bogus
Christmas tree or even organize a concert that is meaningless while you are not paid your salaries and he never builds any road.
Shameless is accusing your government of selective prosecution when you have not answered the question 'Did the persecuted steal or not'?
Shameless is when you place party above the collective interest of a people whose future has been mortgaged and may never experience what first world looks like.
Shameless is when you accuse your government of corruption yet you sell fake spare parts as original after a crusade of praise worship and preaching.
Shameless will never weep over his family members bombed in the North yet will light a candle for those killed in France and travel there to march against terrorism.
Shameless loots the economy standing, hale and hearty but shows up for prosecution sick and in dire need of medical attention.
I can go on and on about shameless but there is the bigger boy and that one is shameful.
Shameful's sense of judgement is messed up but yet he feels he is smart because he knows how to deploy the religious and ethnic tribe to get his way unfortunately the raped never sees it and falls for it even when their own life deteriorates.
Shameful is when you stand for a political office yet clueless about what you need to do to transform the polity and you give excuses all the time.
Shameful is when you have elected a leader and given him the best treatment that your family may never experience yet you start fasting and praying for him to perform in that office.
Shameful is when you have spent so much to build a religious edifice that remains locked up 5days of the week while your members come in on those 2days that is opened to beg God for an office space to transact their business.
Shameful is when you are totally sold out to a leader that you keep defending his error when it is clear to all.
Shameful is when you collective reasoning has been reduced to APC vs PDP hence your inability to speak the truth when your party errs.
Shameful is when you become a mouthpiece for a government and sell your birthright for a morsel of bread yet you still want to retain your respect when your compromise is legendary.
Shameful is when you claim muslims are wicked and hate you yet you escape to Dubai to go and cool off and receive inspiration and you come back and refuse to transform your nation.
Shameful is when you make so much noise to disturb a community with how great religion is without the community feeling your impact in good roads and lights.
Shameful is when you go and do thanksgiving and throw a party when you have just been elected and still throw another one after 4years of non performance.
Shameful is when your state rotates two individuals all your life as candidates even when they have never performed.
Shameful is when you call yourself a fountain of knowledge with the capacity to become the academic capital of the world yet settle for a leader who cuts meat with market women.
Shameful is when you tell the people prayer is all they need to make it and your own life has moved on while theirs has regressed yet they lack the capacity to see that they have been messed up.
Shameful is when you claim terrorists don't belong to your religion yet you fail to rise publicly to speak against their terror that has sent many to their untimely grave.
Shameful is when you obey every law in other nations and breaks the same in your country.
Shameful is when you tell your people to spend their life in religious houses and serve God while you covertly run chains of businesses that they are not aware of.
Shameful is when everyone accuse other people's beliefs or party when they go round yet rationaLIES your own when you go wrong.
Shame, Shameless & shameful are family members and no nation develops by courting them.
The future belongs to those who are not ashamed to do the truth, speak the truth and lead others into the truth.
Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the counsel of the ungodly, who doesn't stand in the ways of sinners and who sits not in the sit of the scornful.
I hope you will think through this and examine yourself but always remember the enemies of this nation are united at a realm where marginalization, religion or ethnic cards and sentiments loses its power and that realm is the realm of LOOTING. selah
Written by:
Praise Fowowe
(President, Uncommon Man Network)
Follow @PraiseFowowe on Twitter